Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Kumpulan Parikan Jawa Lucu :)

Kumpulan Parikan Jawa Lucu

Dalam khasanah Bahasa Jawa, istilah parikan lebih dikenal daripada pantun meskipun cara penyampaian serta fungsinya sama. Yang membedakan dari dua istilah tersebut hanyalah bahasa yang di gunakan. Pantun menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia, sementara parikan menggunakan Basa Jawa. Namun demikian, parikan cenderung memiliki makna yang lebih dalam dibanding dengan pantun dan terkesan lebih lucu. Sekedar untuk contoh, berikut ini adalah beberapa kumpulan parikan Jawa lucu yang bisa dipertimbangkan jika anda ingin membuat parikan Jawa sendiri.

Pring gading jiblok gapuk
Ojo njengking ndak ditubruk

Tuku sate lodeh, dipangan karo tempe akeh
Pede yo oleh, nanging yo ojo karo ndobleh

Pitik jago ra duwe cucuk
Golek bojo kok mung modhal manuk

Entut mambu marahi ribut
Kadung mlebu nanggung yen arep ndudud

Budal ngetan tuku boto, ora lali tuku kloso
Golek bojo sing iso dijak urip soro, sakwayah2 iso dikon nyithak boto

Jajan sekoteng no prapatan karang ayu
Opo artine gantheng nek ora payu-payu

Walang kekek nemplok neng pager
Lanangan tuek kok diuber-uber

Suwe ora jamu, jamu godhong suket
Suwe ora nyawang rupamu, nyawang pisan malah mumet

Klambi biru nang nduwur klasa
Yen bapak ibumu ra setuju, aku isa apa?

Ono badak ditumpak'i lowo
Ilatku cendak tapi manukku dowo

Wajik klethik gulo jowo
Yen ra kuat ojo ngoyo

Ono londo ajar basa jawa
Entuk pacar jebul bekas germo

Widget Menarik Untuk Blogger

Widget Menarik Untuk Blogger

           Tidak bisa dipungkiri peran widget sangat penting bagi dunia blogging. Interaktivitas website merupakan aspek penting untuk SEO karena menyediakan berbagai informasi karena secara otomatis pengunjung akan lebih suka dengan adanya informasi ataupun entertaiment yang dihadirkan. Bagi rekan-rekan yang menyukai widget sebagai accesories website/blog saya referensikan untuk mengunjungi Koleksi Widget menarik yang akan di bahas di bawah ini. 

Salah satu situs yang saya referensikan adalah dari widgetbox, bagi rekan yang tertarik mengunjunginya silahkan ikuti tutorial singkat di bawah ini :

1. masuk ke

2. Bagi rekan yang ingin langsung search, ketik di find widget

Contoh : Memasang Widget Jam
1. Cari/ketik Clock widget di bagian box pencarian
2. Muncul beberapa variasi jam yang menggunakan flash di widgetbox

3. Di halaman berikutnya, klik blogger di bawah tutorial Get Widget
4. Ada 2 cara memasukan ikon ini ke blog, yaitu dengan cara otomatis menggunakan Add Widget atau menggunakan Embed Code (copy manual code script yang muncul).

Bila rekan menggunakan cara otomatis maka widget secara langsung terpasang di blog anda. tapi bila ingin memasangnya di tempat yang sobat inginkan lakukan prosedur manual copy embed code dan simpan di sidebar/lokasi yang sobat inginkan.

Dalam widgetbox sobat biasa menemukan berbagai macam widget menarik. mulai dari games, horoscope, youtube, mp3 player dll. Cobalah browsing menu most popular, Hottest atau New. Selain dari itu sobat juga bisa mencoba membuat widget sendiri dengan menu Make Widgets.
Semoga tulisan singkat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi rekan-rekan yang menyukai widget sebagai tambahan accesories website/blog-nya.

Dan ini ada sebagian widget nganggur dari tetangga sebelah hehehe

<br /> <div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:100px;height:130px;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="Click to get more." /></a><small><center><a href="http://danangabimanyunew/" target="_blank">Widget Animasi</a></center></small></div>;/div><br />

<br /> <div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:110px;height:140px;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="Click to get more." /></a><small><center><a href="" target="_blank">Widget Animasi</a></center></small></div>

<br /> <div style="position: fixed; bottom: 0px; left: 10px;width:110px;height:160px;"><a href="" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="" title="Click to get more." /></a><small><center><a href="" target="_blank">Widget Animasi</a></center></small></div>

Cara Pasang :
1. log in ke akun blogger
2. pilih rancangan > add gadget/Tambah gadget > pilih HTML/javascript
3. pastekan salah satu kode diatas > klik oke/ simpan

Oke sobat, Semoga bermanfaat :)

Sumber terkait :

50 Widgets untuk Pernak-Pernik Blog Anda

50 Widgets untuk Pernak-Pernik Blog Anda

Widget merupakan cara untuk menambahkan beberapa pernak-pernik dan keunikan ke blog Anda. Apakah Anda ingin menampilkan statistik pengunjung blog anda atau menampilkan visitor situs anda yang terhubung ke situs web Anda, Anda bisa melakukannya dengan widget.
Baru-baru ini saya mendapatkan situs yang berisi 50 Great widgets yang berguna untuk blog Anda dan ingin membagikannya untuk Anda. Sebagian besar dari widgets ini bekerja dengan baik untuk Blogger dan WordPress sehingga tidak masalah untuk platform blogging yang anda gunakan.
Melalui list widgets tersebut silahkan anda memilih dan memasang beberapa widget baru untuk menguji drive pada blog Anda. Saya sarankan tidak berlebihan menghiasi blog Anda dengan terlalu banyak pernak-pernik, karena akan mengurangi kegunaan dan fungsionalitas dari widget tersebut atau justru sebaliknya akan menimbulkan kekacauan diblog anda, sebuah blog dengan terlalu banyak widget hanya akan membingungkan dan menghalangi pandangan orang terhadap konten di situs Anda.
Berikut ini 50 more great widgets untuk blog anda :
1. MyBlogLog’s Recent Readers – Widget ini memperlihatkan avatar dari pengunjung blog Anda.Dengan kepopuleran widget ini manajemen MyBloglog mampu meyakinkan Yahoo untuk membeli sahamnya, anda harus mempunyai account yahoo untuk mendapatkan widget ini.
2. Mashable – Widget ini menyediakan semacam news reel (headline news) dalam element blogger yang memberikan cuplikan berita/postingan dari sosial networking. Ada pilihan warna yang bisa disesuaikan dengan layout blog Anda.
3. Flickr Flash Photo Stream Badge –Menampilkan photo-photo dari profil flickr dengan sentuhan flash. Untuk mendapatkan widget ini Anda memerlukan account yahoo.
4. Preview Anywhere – bagi pengguna blogger disebut snapshots untuk wordpress widget ini tersedia di pengaturan. Fungsinya untuk melihat preview link keluar dengan tampilan small popup ketika pengunjung mengarahkan mouse pada teks atau banner yang “mengandung” link.
5. Twitter Badge – Jika kehidupan Anda banyak hal-hal menarik serta ingin agar orang lain tahu kegiatan apa yang sedang anda lakukan setiap saat, anda bisa menampilkan cuplikan kalimat-kalimat pendek ‘satu paragraf misalnya’ Maka widget ini cocok untuk dipasang pada blog Anda.Widget ini akan menampilkan “tweet” terbaru Anda.
6. Digg News – Manampilkan Link terakhir yang masuk ke Digg (sebuah sosial bookmarking) dengan pilihan theme dan mudah untuk diatur sesuai dengan template blog Anda.
7. FEEDJIT – Menampilan real time data pengunjung blog secara langsung, yang bisa dipasang di sidebar blog anda.
8. LineBuzz – inline komentar untuk Blog Anda. Sangat support untuk blog dengan frekuensi tinggi diatas 900 mhz diskusi/komentar yang berkepanjangan.
9. Flixn – Jika laptop Anda terpasang webcam, maka widget ini bisa menampilkan/ memperlihatkan ekspresi Anda langsung melalui blog Anda .Jadi pengunjung blog tidak hanya membaca postingan Anda tapi bisa menyaksikan ‘konser’ Anda didepan monitor, mirip webcam yahoo.
10. 3Jam – Pengunjung blog dapat berinteraksi dengan Anda dengan mengirimkan SMS pada handphone Anda,tanpa mereka tahu nomor HP Anda.
11. Jaxtr – Seperti halnya widget 3jam di atas, dengan widget Jaxtr ini, pengunjung blog bisa menghubungi HP Anda tanpa mereka tahu nomor HP Anda, nomor HP Anda dijamin kerahasiaannya.
12. LinkedInABox – Menampilkan profile Anda di LinkedIn. Dan widget ini sangat cocok untuk personal blog.
13. Box Widget – Dengan widget ini, memudahkan pengunjung blog Anda untuk mengupload file ke tempat penyimpanan online melalui widget pada blog Anda.
14. Price of gas – Menampilkan harga bahan bakar kendaraan bermotor secara online (US$), “sangat cocok” dipasang untuk blog yang membahas masalah traffic/traveling (caranya tidak perlu mendaftar hanya mengcopas script yang disediakan Gas-Cost.Net)
15. iBegin Weather Widget – Menampilkan informasi laporan cuaca di sidebar blog anda. Seperti widget Price of Gas, widget ini hanya cocok untuk blog yang memang membahas masalah yang sama.
16. ClockLink – Menampilkan jam dalam berbagai macam daerah waktu dengan sentuhan flash yang bagus.
17. Film Loops – Menampilkan kesimpulan film terakhir yang Anda tonton melalui account FilmLoops Anda.
18. Daily Painters – menampilkan lukisan-lukisan dari pelukis terkenal di dunia di blog anda.
19. WhoLinked – Memperlihatkan kepada pengunjung blog Anda situs-situs yang telah melink pada blog Anda,tidak perlu mengupdate karena WhoLinked ini otomatis mengupdate sendiri web/blog yang melink blog Anda.
20. Criteo AutoRoll – memperlihatkan link menuju blog-blog yang serupa dengan blog Anda.
21. Bitty Browser – Menampilkan mini web browser pada sidebar blog Anda.
22. Leafletter – Widget ini membuat mini website dan menyimpannya pada blog Anda.
23. WikiSeek – Menampilkan widget untuk pencarian pada Wikipedia.
24. FeedCount – Menampilkan jumlah pengunjung blog Anda melalui banner kecil dan widget ini berhubungan dengan account feedburner Anda.
25. Technorati Link Count – Menampilkan reaksi jumlah link yang menuju blog Anda dari salah satu directory blog terbesar dan terpopuler.
26. MyPageRank – Inilah cara lain untuk menunjukkan betapa hebat dan bermanfaatnya blog Anda dengan menampilkan Ranking Google atau Google PageRank (PR). Penilaian PR google dihitung berdasarkan rangking 1 sampai 10, semakin besar berarti blog anda semakin populer.
27. CheckPageRank – Pilihan lain untuk menampilkan PR blog Anda, namun kelebihannya widget ini menampilkan juga ranking Alexa anda.
28. BlinkxIt – Menampilkan banner kecil dibawah setiap postingan blog Anda, ketika banner BlikxIt itu di klik maka keluar mini popup seperti snapshot dan menampilkan video yang berhubungan dengan postingan blog Anda.
29. Skype button – Seperti widget yang menampilkan status online YM pada blog Anda, widget ini hampir sama cuma bedanya status online/offline pada account skype Anda yang ditampilkan.
30. RockYou Horoscope – Widget ini menampilkan primbon/ramalan dan dirancang bagus didalam kotak penuh warna, Tidak menganjurkan/sebaiknya widget ini tidak dipasang pada blogger muslim.
31. Tagometer – Widget ini menampilkan berapa banyak pengguna membookmark blog Anda.
32. Linkrolls – Widget ini menampilkan bookmarks terakhir Anda dari
33. Timelines – Perlu membuat timeline untuk blog Anda? Maka widget ini cukup mudah digunakan, hanya perlu memasukan RSS blog Anda lalu memasukkan ukuran lebar dan tingginya.
34. PollDaddy – PollDaddy memberikan Anda kemudahan membuat sebuah poling atau survey interaktif dengan theme yang sangat cantik dan menampilkannya dib log anda.
35. Vizu – Pilihan widget lain untuk membuat poling pada blog Anda, kelebihannya widget ini cocok dengan platform blog manapun.
36. AnswerTips – Menampilkan jawaban dari untuk berbagai macam istilah yang terdapat pada blog Anda.
37. AnswerBoxes – Masih widget dari Answer.Com hanya saja widget ini memberikan kesempatan pada pengunjung blog Anda untuk memasukan istilah yang tidak dimengerti dan memperoleh jawaban dari Answer.Com.
38. Now Playing – Jika Anda ingin sharing playlist musik yang sedang Anda dengarkan dan ingin agar pengunjung blog Anda juga mendengarkan,Signamp yang akan melakukan triknya bagaimana hal itu bisa terjadi.
39. BuzzBoost – Menampilkan headline dari RSS FeedBurner blog Anda, atau blog lainnya.
40. LibraryThing – memperlihatkan buku terakhir yang telah Anda baca.
41. Plaxo Address Book – Izinkan pengunjung setia Anda untuk mengakses buku tamu mereka langsung dari blog Anda.
42. AuctionAds – Widget yang menampilkan pelelangan barang dari eBay, dan memberi anda persentase dari harga yang dibayar jika suatu saat ada yang membeli barang.
43. aStore – Serupa dengan AuctionAds di atas, hanya saja widget ini datangnya dari Amazon. Buat ’toko online sederhana’ di blog anda, anda akan mendapatkan bonus jika sesorang membeli barang melalui toko online anda.
44. Plazes – Widget ini menampilkan peta dimana posisi Anda berada sekarang.
45. Stockalicious – Perlihatkan portfolio Anda dengan widget ini, dan sharing dengan blogger lain. Biar semua orang tahu berapa banyak dana yang telah Anda keluarkan untuk ngeblog.
46. Yahoo! For Good – Widget ini untuk membuat ‘kotak amal’ dan akan didonasikan kepada yang berhak menerimanya.
47. Giftspace –Teman anda tidak pernah tahu apa yang akan dibelinya untuk hadiah ulang tahunmu? Nah melalui widget ini biarkan mereka tahu kado apa yang sebenarnya Anda inginkan.
48. MixMap – Melihat dimana pengunjung profile MySpace Anda dari sebuah Peta.
49. Google Map Widget – Menampilkan pencarian pada peta google dari blog Anda.
50. Google Video Search – Menampilkan form pencarian video dari video pilihan pada blog Anda.
51. Shoutbox – Fungsi shoutbox adalah untuk menampung pesan singkat teman atau para blogger yang tengah blogwalking.
52. This Day in History – Widget ini menampilkan cuplikan bahwa hari ini ada sejarah apa pada masa lalu.
53. Headline News – Seperti widget mashable, widget ini pun menampilkan cuplikan headline berita dari situs-situs di seluruh penjuru dunia.
54. Calendar – meskipun di platform wordpress widget calender sudah tersedia, namun widget ini masih bisa dipasang baik di wordpress maupun blogger.
55. Counter Statistic – Bagi Anda yang ingin melihat jumlah pengunjung Anda sehari-hari, maka widget ini adalah salah satu yang menyediakan fasilitas tersebut.
56. Histats.Com web counter – Widget ini memungkinkan Anda bisa melacak pengunjung datang dari mana saja, dan menghitung berapa jumlah pengunjung blog Anda sehari-hari, melihat IP Address pengunjung blog Anda dan lain-lain.
57. Bravenet Horoscope – Seperti halnya widget RockYou Horoscope, bravenetpun menyediakan widget horoscope untuk blog Anda.
58. Deal of The Day – Masih dari, merupakan widget paling baru yang direlease Yang menarik dari widget ini adalah diskon besar-besaran yang ditawarkan untuk pengunjung blog Anda.
Sebenarnya masih banyak lagi widget-widget untuk mempercantik blog anda yang betebaran di internet yang sesuai dengan template blog anda dan yang anda sukai, namun setidaknya artikel “50 more great widgets for your blog” ini membantu anda menemukan widget-widget yang anda inginkan.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat bagi Blog anda…
Artikel ini ditambahkan diambil dari Mashable’s 50 Great Widgets

Sabtu, 09 Maret 2013

Alat Tetanen Tradisional lan Modern kaliyan Fungsine

Alat Pertanian Tradisional & Modern : Bahasa Jawa
Piranti Tetanen Tradisional
  • Pacul 
Pacul digunakake kanggo ndhudhug lemah, kanggo ngresiki suket utawa kanggo nembok galengan

  • Luku
Sawijining piranti kanggo ngempukake lemah sadurunge tandur lan sebar winih

  • Garu
Gunanipun alat menika kagem ngretakake lemah saderengipun di tanduri 

  • Sorok 
Sawijining piranti kanggo matun utawa ngresiki suket ing sela – selanipun tanduran

  • Ani-ani
Lading cilik ingkang gunanipun kagem manen pari 

  • Arit 
lading kanggo manen pari lan ngresiki suket ing galengan 

  • Gebotan
Piranti kanggo misahaken damen kalian gabah .

Piranti Tetanen Modern
  • Traktor
Gunanipun sami kalian luku yaiku digunakake kanggo ngenpukake lemah saderengipun tandur lan sebar winih .

  • Mesin Transplanter
Mesin kang digunakake kanggo tandur winih .
  • Mesin Reaper lan Binder
Digunakake kanggo manen pari lan uga ngiket pari supaya bisa di lebokake ing bagor.
  • Mesin Tleaser
Mesin meniko digunakaken kanggo misahake damen kalian gabah .
  • Mesin Combine
Digunakake kanggo manen, ngrontokake, lan madahake gawah ing bagor.

Contoh Narrative Text dari Indonesia Dan Luar Negri ; Bahasa Inggris


One day at a house there lived Bawang Putih lived with her step mother and her step sister, Bawang Merah. Bawang Putih's mother died when she was a baby. Her father remarried another woman and later her step sister was born. Unfortunately, not long after that her father died. Since then, Bawang Putih's life was sad. Her step mother and her step sister treated Bawang Putih badly and always asked her to do all the household chores.

One morning, Bawang Putih was washing some clothes in a river. Accidentally, her mother's clothes were washed away by the river. She was really worried so she walked along the river side to find the clothes. Finally she met an old woman. She said that she kept the clothes and would give them back to Bawang Putih if she helped the old woman do the household chores. Bawang Putih helped her happily. After everything was finished, the old woman returned the clothes. She also gave Bawang Putih a gift. The old woman had two pumpkins, one pumpkin was small and the other one was big. Bawang Putih had to choose one.

Bawang Putih was not a greedy girl. So she took the small one. After thanking the old woman, Bawang Putih then went home. When she arrived home, her step mother and Bawang Merah were angry. They had been waiting for her all day long. Bawang Putih then told about the clothes, the old woman, and the pumpkin. Her mother was really angry so she grabbed the pumpkin and smashed it to the floor. Suddenly they all were surprised. Inside the pumpkin they found jewelries. "Bawang Merah, hurry up. Go to the river and throw my clothes into the water. After that, find the old woman. Remember, you have to take the big pumpkin," the step mother asked Bawang Merah to do exactly the same as Bawang Putih's experience. Bawang Merah immediately went to the river. She threw the clothes and pretended to search them. Not long after that, she met the old woman. Again she asked Bawang Merah to do household chores. She refused and asked the old woman to give her a big pumpkin. The old woman then gave her the big one. Bawang Merah was so happy. She ran very fast. When she arrived home, her mother was impatient. She directly smashed the pumpkin to the floor. They were screaming. There were a lot of snakes inside the pumpkin! They were really scared. They were afraid the snakes would bite them. "Mom, I think God just punished us. We had done bad things to Bawang Putih. And God didn't like that. We have to apologize to Bawang Putih," said Bawang Merah.

Finally both of them realized their mistakes. They apologized and Bawang Putih forgave them. Now the family is not poor anymore. Bawang Putih decided to sell all the jewelries and used the money for their daily lives.


Once upon a time, there lived in Japan a peasant and his wife. They were sad couple because they had no children. They kept praying to their god pleading to give them a child.

While cutting wood by a stream one day, the man saw a large peach floating on the water. He ran to pick it up. His wife was excited because she had never seen such a large peach before. They were about to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside.

The couples were surprised to do anything. The peach then cracked open, and there was a beautiful baby inside. The couples were very happy, of course. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.

Momotaro grew up to be clever, courage young man. His parents loved him very much.

One day, Momotaro told his parents hat he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. These pirates lived on an island a few kilometers away. Momotaro’s mother packed his food, and his father gave him a sword. Having blessed Momotaro, they sent him off on his journey.

Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle going in the same direction. They became good friends; soon, both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.

Momotaro drew out the sacred sword his father had given him and began to fight the pirates. The eagle flew over the thieves’ heads, pecking at their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.

Momotaro brought home all the goods that pirates had stolen. His parents were proud of him, and they were overjoyed at his victory and save return.


Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on the jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all the plants and fruit trees in the jungle died.

The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food. At first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him any more food. They told him to grow his own food.

One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by and taking a pity on hermit gave him some “paddy” seeds.

Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvest if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the “paddy” plants will turn into weeds.”

The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rain came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the “paddy” was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away.

When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful “paddy”, they flocked to his “paddy” field and took home as much “paddy” as they could.

One day, hermit became so tired of harvesting the “paddy then he shouted,” Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing!” As soon as he had said this, the “paddy” plants turned into weeds.


Maura, who like to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks. The three sheiks were all equally young and handsome. They were also rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks. As they were about to have dinner, Maura asked them for something to eat. The first gave her some left over food. The second Sheik gave her some unappetizing camel’s tail. The third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheik’s camp.
The following day, the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servant to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before. Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two sheiks could not share it with him.
This Sheik Hakim’s act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her. “Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you” she announced her choice to the sheiks. “So it is Hakim I will marry”.


There was once upon a time a king who had three sons, of whom two were clever and wise, but the third did not speak much, and was simple, and was called the simpleton. When the king had become old and weak, and was thinking of his end, he did not know which of his sons should inherit the kingdom after him. Then he said to them, go forth, and he who brings me the most beautiful carpet shall be king after my death.

And that there should be no dispute amongst them, he took them outside his castle, blew three feathers in the air, and said, you shall go as they fly. One feather flew to the east, the other to the west, but the third flew straight up and did not fly far, but soon fell to the ground.

And now one brother went to the right, and the other to the left, and they mocked simpleton, who was forced to stay where the third feather had fallen. He sat down and was sad. Then all at once he saw that there was a trap-door close by the feather. He raised it up, found some steps, and went down them. Then he came to another door, knocked at it, and heard somebody inside calling - little green waiting-maid, waiting-maid with the limping leg, little dog of the limping leg, hop hither and thither, and quickly see who is without.

The door opened, and he saw a great, fat toad sitting, and round about her a crowd of little toads. The fat toad asked what he wanted. He answered, I should like to have the prettiest and finest carpet in the world. Then she called a young one and said - little green waiting-maid, waiting-maid with the limping leg, little dog of the limping leg, hop hither and thither, and bring me the great box.

The young toad brought the box, and the fat toad opened it, and gave simpleton a carpet out of it, so beautiful and so fine, that on the earth above, none could have been woven like it. Then he thanked her, and climbed out again.

The two others, however, had looked on their youngest brother as so stupid that they believed he would find and bring nothing at all. Why should we give ourselves a great deal of trouble searching, said they, and got some coarse handkerchiefs from the first shepherds' wives whom they met, and carried them home to the king.

At the same time simpleton also came back, and brought his beautiful carpet, and when the king saw it he was astonished, and said, if justice be done, the kingdom belongs to the youngest. But the two others let their father have no peace, and said that it was impossible that simpleton, who in everything lacked understanding,
should be king, and entreated him to make a new agreement with them.

Then the father said, he who brings me the most beautiful ring shall inherit the kingdom, and led the three brothers out, and blew into the air three feathers, which they were to follow. Those of the two eldest again went east and west, and simpleton's feather flew straight up, and fell down near the door into the earth.

Then he went down again to the fat toad, and told her that he wanted the most beautiful ring. She at once ordered her big box to be brought, and gave him a ring out of it, which sparkled with jewels, and was so beautiful that no goldsmith on earth would have been able to make it.

The two eldest laughed at simpleton for going to seek a golden ring. They gave themselves no trouble, but knocked the nails out of an old carriage-ring, and took it to the king, but when simpleton produced his golden ring, his father again said, the kingdom belongs to him. The two eldest did not cease from tormenting the king until he made a third condition, and declared that the one who brought the most
beautiful woman home, should have the kingdom. He again blew the three feathers into the air, and they flew as before.

Then simpleton without more ado went down to the fat toad, and said, I am to take home the most beautiful woman. Oh, answered the toad, the most beautiful woman. She is not at hand at the moment, but still you shall have her. She gave him a yellow turnip which had been hollowed out, to which six mice were harnessed. Then simpleton said quite mournfully, what am I to do with that. The toad answered,
just put one of my little toads into it. Then he seized one at random out of the circle, and put her into the yellow coach, but hardly was she seated inside it than she turned into a wonderfully beautiful maiden, and the turnip into a coach, and the six mice into horses. So he kissed her, and drove off quickly with the horses, and
took her to the king.

His brothers, who came afterwards, had given themselves no trouble at all looking for beautiful girls, but had brought with them the first peasant women they chanced to meet. When the king saw them he said, after my death the kingdom belongs to my youngest son. But the two eldest deafened the king's ears afresh with their clamor, we cannot consent to simpleton's being king, and demanded that the one whose wife could leap through a ring which hung in the centre of the hall should have the preference. They thought, the peasant women can do that easily, they are strong enough, but the delicate maiden will jump herself to death.

The aged king agreed likewise to this. Then the two peasant women jumped, and jumped through the ring, but were so clumsy that they fell, and their coarse arms and legs broke in two. And then the pretty maiden whom simpleton had brought with him, sprang, and sprang through as lightly as a deer, and all opposition had to cease. So he received the crown, and has ruled wisely for a length of time.